The booster and sustainer are now mostly complete, still with a bunch of little things left to finish. So far the weather forecast looks good for the weekend so we have our fingers crossed.

I'm not sure how many hours we've put into the rocket so far, but it is more than I had anticipated when we started the build. It is probably approaching around100 hours now. A lot of the time is spent thinking about how to solve particular problems, so hopefully the second time around a build should be much faster.
Hi George
Nice to see it nearly ready to launch. Are you going to launch it at NSWRA?
Hi Tom,
Yes we will be launching it at the next NSWRA launch event. We have clearance to launch above 400' when flying with the club on the day. Also we get to launch at the appropriately sized range for our often wayward rockets. :)
Hi George,
Is amazing see your progress on the Aceleron V! Im supose you will be very nervous on the launch event, when I test a lot of new things on a new rocket I am nervous too.
But I trust in your, I know that the Aceleron V will fly great through the sky.
I can´t wait for see it fly but as always I say:
Water rockets forever!! :)
Hello George,
I have ended the examinations, and next Wednesday the notes will be given to me.
Tomorrow I am going to buy components and I will start constructing my rocket Alpha that consists on a rocket of 6l capacity and with an electronic system for open the parachute.
I had opened my water rocket website, but it is in spanish, you can find it here
When will be the Aceleron V ready to fly? I can wait to see the video!! :)
Good luck with your rockets
Hi Daniel,
Good to hear the exams are over. :) Now for the serious stuff right? I'm looking forward to hearing how your 6L rocket goes. Nice work on the website too, great picture on the front page. :)
Acceleron V is pretty much ready to fly. We are just waiting for the weather to improve and we need to help to get the launch site back up into a working condition, after construction crews damaged it with heavy machinery.
(hopefully Acceleron V will not leave an even bigger creater! :)
The body of my 6l water rocket is now finished, now I got that make the pressurization test, put the fins, put the parachute and the computer.
The next academic year is the last, then I will study physiscs at the university of Santiago de Compostela.
What will you do after of Aceleron V project?
'What will you do after of Aceleron V project?'
Focus on finishing the next version of the flight computer. It is a new design with more capability. :)
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