Crestwood Fair and other stuff
Last Sunday I spent the whole day helping to man NSW rocketry association's stall at the Crestwood fair. David and Neville did a great job of organizing the stall and getting all the display materials together. We had all sorts of rockets on display, and I even brought along a couple of water rockets including the Acceleron V to sit in the corner. It was a fun day talking with people about rockets. Quite a few interested people stopped by for a chat. We gave out close to 50 fliers on the day, so we'll see how many people turn up to the next launch at Doonside.

Over the last two weeks there were also several birthday parties, accountants to see, kid's school concerts, and kids cricket games which meant a lot of time away from the rocket workshop. Now that the dust is settling down, we'll be back to more regular development. Dad is also back from Europe so we'll have more time to spent on developing the next set of rockets.
Work has also been continuing on the website extension. There is just a lot of typing to do, and it's taking a lot longer than I originally expected. There are around 70 pages on there so far.
New workshop
We had a long weekend this week, but instead of rockets I decided to concentrate my efforts on making significant progress on the new workshop under the house. The current workshop is just getting too small. Dad and I spent all three days putting up the internal walls, which I'm happy about, because those are done now and the ceiling is next. We had the electricians come in earlier in the week to put in all the power points and lighting, and we'll need them to come back to finish everything off after we have painted. There is probably 3 weeks or so more work on it, because we need to put in new doors, do the little trim bits to finish it off, and then fit it out with benches and shelving.
Coming up
Last week we've also made a booster for Paul's pyro rocket, so we are hoping to fly it this upcoming weekend if the weather improves. It will be our very first two stage pyro rocket launch.

We are bringing a couple of water rockets with us as well of course. We will fly the rocket with the camera mounted on the boom again to see if we can get a clearer view of the water behaviour in the rocket during flight. Acceleron V is currently slated to fly at the end of the month's NSWRA launch.
hey george nice work that u made pauls rocket a two stage one :) a good friend of my who works at the observatorium zenit is flying these pyro rockets or how we call it here in the dutch model raket :D he build a nice two stage rocket that ting was ging up 600 meter in the air acording to the allitimeter that was in the ting i hope u will keep building on water rockets :( and not only pyro rockets there are a blast of fun to but i tink that water rockets got some more potentonal on it well need to let the dog out for a walk greetings from youri listelle from the holland :)
Hi Youri,
Paul actually did most of the work himself on his rocket, I just helped line things up when gluing. :)
We certainly are not trading in water rockets for pyro rockets, they both have their own interesting challenges when building and flying them. All rockets are good in my book. :)
ok so all ur rockets are good in your book what about flying a steam rocket or sounding rocket on Doonside :) noo sorry just kidding hey but can u send me some nice pictures of acceloron v i realy love that rocket and what i mean with pictures that are not on the website or the blog man i want to build a acceloron v like u but i dont have any late any more thing is broken en my parents dont got the money to buy a new one :( but i now how u can make a robinson coupling from a treaded lamp rod but were can i buy these tings in looked for them in some lamb shops here in den helder thats the city were i live but the only sell complete lamps and not parts for them i will send my email adress to u on ur main email the email thats stands in the contact area from the website good look building :)
greetings from youri listelle from holland :)
Hi George,
i love the work you are doing, especially your research on the jet foaming. Why don`t you put a cam directly inside of the bottle (maybe near the R C), plus the one on the boom?
Hi Sebastian,
A view from inside the bottle would be interesting, I'm not sure though the camera would be able to withstand the pressure and moisture levels. Focal length might be an issue too for the camera.
But it would be an interesting challenge to get that particular shot.
Hi Youri,
I've sent you an email with some details.
Hi George,
there should be no pressure and moisture problem because in some shops they offer underwater cams.So all you need would be a waterproofed case for the cam.
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