This blog covers the day to day progress of water rocket development by the Air Command Water Rockets team. It is also a facility for people to provide feedback and ask questions.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Fiberglass pressure test results

We have now tested a number of glass reinforced spliced-pairs of bottles. The results so far look quite promising in improving the performance of our rockets. The extra weight of the reinforcing requires an extra 30psi to compensate, but the much higher launch pressure should raise the altitude considerably.

Next we need to assemble these into a proper rocket and pressure test it for leaks.

The full update including performance simulations is available here:

The update also includes a progress build on our first MPR pyro rocket.


Todd said...

These results are very impressive, well done George. I am also impressed with the jigs you made up to apply the fiberglass and dry them :)


George Katz said...

Thanks Todd, it's actually not that difficult to wrap the bottles, but definitely messy and a two person job. I think they'd work well on a water rocket car.

Daniel Veira said...

Hi George,

These results look quite good. I can´t work a lot on my rockets as a cause of study reasons, but I am getting good marks at school and soon I will start studying physics at university.

About the mobile phone camera I suppose it will be loaded in one piece because don´t know how to disassemble it.